Nuisance Abatement Appeals Board « The City of Lakewood, Ohio -
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Nuisance Abatement Appeals Board

Nuisance Abatement Appeals Board

Lakewood Codified Ordinance (hereinafter, L.C.O.) 510.01 which was enacted in December 2008, allows for a property owner whose property has been declared a “nuisance” to appeal said decision to the Board of Nuisance Abatement Appeals.

The Nuisance Abatement Appeals Board is the final administrative appeal in determining whether a declaration of nuisance is upheld. It is comprised of five Lakewood residents: three members are appointed by the Mayor and two members are appointed by City Council. Board members serve a three year term and are not compensated. The chairperson and co-chairperson who are appointed annually by the Mayor preside over all of the meetings. The Board meets annually and at other necessary times and always meets at least 15 days after receiving an appeal. The secretary to the Board is appointed by the Law Director. The Board establishes its own bylaws and rules, copies of which can be obtained by contacting the Board Secretary. Meetings are open to the public and noticed in compliance with the laws governing open meetings.

Application to serve on Board/Commission