General FAQs
Q: When does Lakewood City Council meet?
A: At seven-thirty (7:30) p.m. on the first and third Monday of every month, or, if such Monday falls on a Holiday, on the Tuesday following. Only Special Council Meetings or committee meetings are held in the month of August. All regular City Council meetings are held in the Council Chambers at City Hall. In addition, there are 7 standing committees of Council that meet at the discretion of the appointed chair.
Q: How long is a Council Member’s term? Are they full time? How much do they get paid?
A: Each council member serves a four-year term. They work part-time. In 2014, Council voted to increase their salary from $7,000 to $13,000. This will be the first increase in 32 years. This increase is phased in: Ward Council members (4) began receiving the new salary in 2016. At-Large council members (3) will begin receiving the new salary in 2018. Council members also have the option to receive full health care benefits through the city.
Q: What is the phone number to the Lakewood Board of Recreation?
A: The Lakewood Board of Recreation can be reached at (216) 529-4081. Their website address is
Q: How do I rent the Woman’s Club Pavilion or the Kiwanis Pavilion at Lakewood Park?
A: The City of Lakewood uses an online reservation system for pavilion rentals. Individuals interested in renting the Woman’s Club Pavilion, Kiwanis Pavilion or Gazebo can use the online system to check if a date is available and reserve the pavilion.
Click here for more information or to rent one of our facilities.
Q: Who do I tell about a street light that is out?
A: First Energy’s website ( is where all of the pertinent information may be entered. You will need a pole number (usually a 5 or 6 digit number on a tag on the pole), an address, or a very specific location. Sometimes it helps to mark the pole by tying a ribbon or string around the pole. Remember, they fix the lights in the daytime so the crews can’t always see which light is out. Typically reported outages are fixed within a few days.
Q: How do I report a power outage?
A: Call First Energy at 1-888-544-4877 to report a power outage. You should continue to call every 4 hours to make sure they know who is still without power.
Q: Who is NOPEC?
A: NOPEC is an aggregator that is able to negotiate better deals on energy and natural gas. Lakewood is a NOPEC community pursuant to the vote of the residents. More information may be found by click here. NOPEC’s contact information is: and phone is: 855-639-8159
Q: Is every Lakewood resident a member of NOPEC?
A: Every Lakewood resident was at one time a member of NOPEC, however, every resident has an opportunity at any time to “opt out” of NOPEC and use a provider of their choice. Right now, NOPEC has partnered with NextEra to provide low price electricity to Lakewood customers. First Energy still distributes the energy to your home and is who you would still report power outages.
Q: When will my street be resurfaced?
A: A major factor as to when you street will be resurfaced is the available funding, it is a collaborative decision with Public Works, Finance and City Council.
Pavement Condition Rating is a rating system that was developed using Ohio Department of Transportation’s standards for measuring roadway deterioration, and has been adopted by the City of Lakewood as the basis for ranking our streets. We then consider the condition of the roadway base, sub-base, and underground utilities (water mains, and sewers) to schedule any major repair.
Q: Who do I contact if I have a complaint about high grass?
A: Call the Department of Building and Housing at 529-6270 or click here to use our Report A Problem portal.
Q: I would like to schedule an appt. for immunizations, obtain copies of my immunization records, etc. How can I do this?
A: Contact the Cuyahoga County Board of Health (CCBH) at (216) 201-2000. Nurses are in Lakewood once a month for clinics. To schedule an appointment, contact CCBH’s immunization line at 216-201-2041.
Q: Is there a snow parking ban?
A: Parking ban streets are shown and listed on the map by click here and a map showing locations of parking lots that are available during a snow can be found by click here,
Snow bans are in effect on these streets when there is 4″ or more of snow on the street without the necessity of any notice by the City.
If a city-wide snow parking ban is issued, the City will issue a notice to the media about the parking ban, it will be posted on the main page of the City’s website and it will be posted on the city’s Facebook and Twitter.
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