Scope of Work
Scope of Work
Task One: Data Gathering – Existing Condition Assessment
1. Data collection, review and analysis.
a. Conduct site visits to gain an understanding of existing conditions of the park demand/usage, as well as neighborhood needs.
b. Meet with community stakeholders and residents, alongside city staff, to gather opinions and thoughts to inform the preliminary design. A separate meeting shall be conducted for each park.
c. Review existing planning documents, topography maps, historical data, and existing capital improvement plans.
d. Identify specific features and/or elements that support and enhance the character of the parks.
e. Identify potential pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular circulation challenges and opportunities.
Deliverable: one electronic copy of Existing Conditions and Data report.
Task Two: Preliminary Park Plan Options
1. Prepare preliminary improvement plan options.
a. The plan should include maps and drawings that clearly illustrate the preliminary improvement options.
b. Design enhancements that complement and build upon existing park improvements.
c. Meet with community stakeholders and residents with a 60% design concept to solicit feedback to inform the final park improvement plan.
d. Regularly meet with city staff throughout design process.
Deliverable: Two hardcopies and one electronic copy of preliminary improvements options report.
Task Three: Final Concept Improvement Plan
1. Prepare final concept improvement plan.
a. Prepare a final concept improvement plan for each park which is predicated on community and staff selection from the options in Task 2.
b. The plan should include maps, drawings and 3-D graphic representations that clearly illustrate the final concept improvement plan.
c. Include product spec sheets for available proposed materials and equipment.
d. Incorporate stormwater management techniques and energy efficient technologies where they reduce maintenance costs and provide added value
e. Identify potential grants and or other funding sources for project elements.
f. Provide an estimate for probable construction costs.
Deliverable: Two hardcopies and one electronic copy of the final concept improvement plan.
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