What infrastructure improvements are we making on Glenbury, Mars, and Marlowe? « The City of Lakewood, Ohio -
Photo Credit: Aerial Agents / aerialagents.com

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What infrastructure improvements are we making on Glenbury, Mars, and Marlowe?

Project work will include:

  • Replacing the watermain on Marlowe (Madison to Athens), Mars (Madison to Athens), and Glenbury
  • Replacing lead water service lines with copper water service lines
  • Recoating the sanitary mains in the street
  • Replacing existing brick catch basins with new precast concrete structures
  • Rehabilitating existing brick manholes
  • Installing new curbs and curb under drains in select locations
  • Installing new driveway aprons in select locations
  • Resurfacing the street and restore the site with street trees and landscaping