Statement from Mayor Mike Summers regarding the proposed breed specific legislation.
January 16, 2018Mayor Mike Summers made the following statement at the Lakewood City Council meeting on Tuesday, January 17, 2018.
“While I remain convinced that certain dogs and certain breeds pose a greater safety risk to our citizens, I have listened and learned a great deal about dog safety. I acknowledge that strong and effective ownership of dogs reduces this risk.
I have spoken with people on both sides of the issue, including victims of local pit bull attacks, and my experience, knowledge and understanding of Lakewood lead me to believe it is in the city’s best interest to maintain a few specific regulations regarding pit bulls and pit bull mixes.
This includes:
- Mandatory spay or neuter of pit bulls and pit bull mixes
- Mandatory $100,000 of liability insurance covering dog attacks
- Mandatory control of the dog in public as evidenced by a harness
- Required training of both basic dog ownership and handling as well as practical education of pit bull breeds
I am willing to concede significant regulations including the elimination of the 2008 pit bull ban as well as several of the components of revisions introduced on Jan. 2, including a muzzle requirement, the mandatory spay or neuter of all dog breeds, breed specific legislation aimed at other breeds and all requirements detailing how pit bull and pit bull mixes are kept on private residences.
Chapter 506, which details the determination of nuisance, dangerous or vicious dogs, is based primarily on state law. The key requirement to the effectiveness of the improved legislation is that our citizens notify us when they experience threatening behavior from any dog in Lakewood. This will require support and education form the responsible dog owners in our community.
While I have proposed this legislation and these changes its fate it ultimately in the hands of City Council. I hope to continue this discussion in a thoughtful manner, keeping public safety in mind as the heart and soul of what’s important.”
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